Business Mobile Protection
Business Mobile Protection gives you an easy way to secure and control your mobile devices, both iOS and Android, wherever they are. You get everything you need in one package: Wi-Fi protection, browsing protection, support for mobile device management, and VPN.
Supported OS: iOS 9.x and later l Android 4.0.3 and later
Small businesses have seen a dramatic increase in cyber attacks and ransomware attacks. The methods of the attacks are also constantly changing with a majority of attacks beginning on a mobile device, such as employee smartphones. Mobile devices are connected outside of traditional firewalls and typically lack security solutions to protect corporate data. In fact, mobile users are three times more likely to click a phishing link than desktop users. Since 2011 there has been an increase in the rate at which people are falling for phishing attacks on mobile devices by 85% every year.
Mobile devices have become a preferred target of attack for cyber criminals because they are mainly unprotected. A lot of mobile devices contain a lot of corporate data and it is a lot easier to access than trying to gain entry to a corporate network. It is easier to trick individuals into falling for phishing attacks on a mobile than a desktop. The amount of details that a mobile user can see is less than on a desktop – you can’t hover over links to check before you click and the originator email address is not as easy to see. Email is not the only method of attack. Mobile malware authors are successfully executing phishing techniques in the wild.
Enterprises need to worry about apps (and not just users) unknowingly accessing phishing URLs and serving them up to unsuspecting mobile users. Researchers at F-Secure identified a phishing campaign that targeted Android and iOS users via Facebook. Victims exposed their personal data and this opened the door for cyber criminals to access accounts and user information stored on their mobile phones – this included any enterprise data and login details.
Our Mobile protection software is lightweight and has little impact on day to day use. It operates in the background, providing you and your business with complete protection. Mobile Protection provides security in the following ways:
Mobile VPN
Automatically encrypts (VPN) all traffic between mobile devices and a selected secure service node, allowing safe use of public Wi-Fi and mobile networks.
Lightweight Client
Heavy security functions are in the cloud, ensuring minimal impact on mobile performance and battery life.
Ultralight Anti-Malware
When the VPN is active, our service node protects the phones against malware and malicious content. Android APK packages are also scanned locally.
Security Cloud
Our threat analysis and response systems provide our clients with real-time threat intelligence, allowing them to identify and respond to new threats as they emerge.
Web Protection
Prevents users from accessing malicious and phishing websites, even before they are accessed.
Faster Browsing
Increases browsing speed by up to 30% by using traffic compression and blocking resource- intensive online tracking and advertising.
Device Status
Provides detailed information about the devices, such as vulnerable OS versions and whether they are rooted or not.
TST Business Mobile Protection
Our Mobile Protection provides security for your business and peace of mind to users. It makes sure that devices connecting to your business network are secure and not an open door to your business data. Some Cyber Insurance Policies and Industry Governing Bodies make it a requirement that all devices that connect to your business are protected.
Protection Service for Business is the best, most comprehensive endpoint protection package on the market, designed from the ground up to solve your challenging business security needs.